by ashley walton.........................................
Recently, I have lost a part of my family and I. One more piece of my heart torn in half by natural death. The only thing seperating us is the death of my dog,Bear. Later I realized that I should love a pet before it's too late, but luckly, she gave me another chance to say goodbye. In my dreams just before I woke up, I saw her staring at me with glassy eyes I can always recodnize. Before her absense, she looked at me like that sometimes. I cried and hugged her happy,but sad at the same time.Im 11 now, but when I was born and home,she would stand by me every minute and lay under my infant exercize seat!I can remember when she stole my exchange students cookies not long before her departure. The night she was going to die, she knew now was the moment she was leaving. She had to show us she left and she put herself at the end of the dog yard. In loving memory of her, I am singing "Tomorrow" from the movie Annie at my school concert. The song that really speakes to me is "my last breath" from Evanescence.
The saddest part in the lyrics are "I know you hear me, I can taste it in your tears". I want you to know that you can always see your beloved one in your dreams or by signs and messages in you life and the ones you love as well.