by carol morgan.........................................
He was a big rottie,but boy did he live just as if it was his last day. He played in the pool and he loved laying in the yard.Christmas eve was the worst day of my life. I carried him into this house and he died in my arms. He did not even seem sick. We thought the way he was drinking water that he had sugar but he didnt we found out later it was cancer.My life has been turned upside down. I miss him so bad,all I do is cry.Several times when I came home I swear he was come across the kithen floor and I have heard this several times now because we have a family room and he would always stand up at the top and wait for me.Sometimes I think people think I'm crazy but, I know what I hear.He was a very large boy and ever so gentle with kids and elderly people.My life is empty, this may sound crazy but, i am waiting for the time around a birth he would be born I will know when I look in the eyes of the pups and I hope its him. He was the love of my life.You see I pass out and he always new when it was going to happen if I had a sandwich , chips and tea i always woke up laying over my boy but he saved me, sandwich and chip gone but, that was ok.I love you dakota so very much and I hope you made it to the rainbow bridge to meet up with zoe, and harley god bless