by cindy orr.........................................
Dexter was my grandson, Andrews' dog. He came to live with me after becoming so protective of Andrew that the kids in the neighborhood couldn't play with Andrew. Dexter didn't like boys roughhouse play. He then turned his attention to my yard and leting me know immediately when someone pulled into the drive. His judgement was never wrong on who could be trusted and would let them know real quick to watch themselves. His lusterous jet black coat grew dull a few weeks ago, his eyes lost their spark and just couldn't maintain his watch over the yard like he did. He stopped alerting me when someone pulled in the drive, never paid any attention to the meter reader, just couldn't muster up the energy. His abdomen grew larger even as his body lost muscle tone. Congestive heart failure, the vet said. I released him today, at 4:45, to go stay with Lucy, Otis, Mickey, Minnie and many others. I held him as the doctor helped his spirit go, released to run like he ran as a pup. Head held high, tongue hanging out,carefree and strong. Not weak and depressed. He was a lot braver than I was. I sobbed as I held him as close as I could. I kissed his noble head and looked deep into his eyes and told him I was so sorry, over and over, I'm sorry, you're a good boy. I can't even look into the back yard. His house,food dish and water bowl are right there. My Dexter, my friend, my guardian is gone. I dedicate this poem I found to him and all our friends and guardians who are waiting at the Bridge. HEAR OUR HUMBLE PRAYER OH GOD FOR OUR FRIENDS THE ANIMALS. ESPECIALLY THOSE WHO ARE SUFFERING;FOR THOSE WHO ARE LOST OR HUNTED OR DESERTED OR FRIGHTENED OR HUNGRY AND FOR ALL THOSE WHO WILL BE PUT TO REST AT OUR HANDS.WE ENTREAT FOR THEM ALL THY MERCY AND PITY AND FOR THOSE WHO DEAL WITH THEM,WE ASK FOR A HEART OF COMPASSION,GENTLE HANDS AND KIND WORDS.MAKE US TO BE TRUE FRIENDS TO ALL ANIMALS AND SO TO SHARE THE BLESSINGS OF THE MERCIFUL. AMEN. Rest now, Dexter, you have earned it.