by cynthia Jansen
LUCKEYBOY, MY DEPARTED 4 LEGGED SON 1-14-2016... we took you from and abusive home such a sweet scared terrifyed rednosed pit. we gave you a forever home free from those bad mean humans. you learned to trust. we then gave you sisters as pups and you learned to love your own kind. when 1 of your beloved sisters was poisoned you layed by her till she passed, then it was just you and RaRa,for a long time.... she watched you get older and loved you dear...then daddy went away and your heart broke, you were already slowly declining at that point. you tried so hard to hold on babyboy filled with huggs only a pet parent would understand.Daddy knew you were in pain so did I. it was so hard to see you suffer but you gave your all and were such a loyal boy till the end.....i knew in my heart you were fading when you started not eating , then your leggs were giving out. the hardest desion to make and then tell your daddy the humain thing to be done was already arranged to take place and your sufferiing had to end. i couldnt have you die in the house....that day was sunny and bright, with a special breakfast after yet another sleepless night woathcing over you my darling, it was to the humain society we went without fear, we played rope together for one last time and spent those final hours enjoying the i cried you may never know.....i held you in my arms with tear filled eyes as the doc came. he gave me comfort and said im doing right... i looked at him and said can we please do this thing outside and not with fear, he sauid yes....we went out back near a shady tree as i put your bed on the ground and tossed the rope a few more times...come here big boy i said as the doc came my arms you came as we lay on the ground and cuddled the shot was given you began to grow limp as we hugged you made your happpy growns and one last kiss for mommy...then off to sleep with you big old boy ....go find your sister and my mom...i held you for a while and couldnt let go but i had to get home to your sister Rara and deal with her pain and suffering of your loss...She is so lost without you big boy as i am... mommy loved you soo much to let you die with dignity and grace under a tree laying and cuddling the last memorie to be.... Our wounds are just starting to heal, Rara lost and still in pain..sweet dreams my luckeyboy wait at the gate... Daddy will be with you befor me... you watch out for daddy for his time is comming. the cancer is taking him and i need you to watch over daddy till my time comes,and your little sister Rara will be with my my darling and we will be a family so glad when you died it was basking in the sun and in mommys loving arms. i got to hold you and stroke you for hours after under the tree, the hardest thing was leaving your body behind but your soul came home with me......i took rara to the tree last week and we sat, i looked to the sky with tear filed eyes.... mommy daddy and rara will find you big play with baubette and grammy till daddy gets there ,take care of him when he comes.... RaRa and i will follow in time.....i love you and miss you soo much. thank lord for givig me the strength needed that day, for LUCKEYBOY IS IN MY HEART TO STAY..... FROM ABUSE TO KINDNESS AND LOVE I KNOW MY LUCKEYBOY IS IN GODS GRACE IN HIS FINAL RESTING PLACE..... SLEEP LUCKEY SLEEP WAIT AT THE GATE DADDY IS COMMING SOON TO BE WITH YOU....LOVE YOU BE A GOOD BOY FOR DADDY IS COMMING SOON TO PLAY.........HUGGS KISSES,YOUR MOMMY