by julissa pereyra.........................................
im am only 12 years old and have lost a part of me
nothing is the same since you left
i walk into my room and just see a empty bed just like my heart
i miss the wink in your eyes and the smell of your fur
i even told myself if god gave me a chance to have you in my arms i would let you do what ever you wanted under my bed
geo after you left i would grab tight on the pillow you slept on and try to feel your love
the love we had was like no other you would come into my room and within your eyes i knew how much you loved me you would respect me like no other
and i still remember like today the day i saw you and the first time i heard your meow and our first night together
my mother always told her friends geo is like no other he sleeps with julissa like she was his mother
i remember the times i felt really bad and i would always go to you for comformation and the times diana tried to hit you when you did something bad i would run with you away like the wind just to save you and i remember the time hold you in my hands and then you got nuetered i didnt want you to because a mother always had a feeling of what was good for her kids and i had to just let it go
but just yesterday you passed away in my hands and you waited for me after school so you could say your last bye and we did
i love you and yes we will meet again