I never expected to lose you,
never throught I'd live wihtout my man.
you were suppose to live forever,
my savior, my dream come true,
what happened caught me off gaurd,
your loss is my reality, my forever, right now.
losing dad at 56 was bad enough,
but you, my Benjamin, where meant to last forever,
how is that possible,
that i thought you'd never be gone...
how silly it now sounds,
to think you'd never leave me, that god would let you stay forever,
remember when we went to Tufts,
and they said there is no further options
i almost died right there, almost collapsed on the floor,
my agonizing cries were heard miles aways, my baby,
i'm still trying to figure it out,
how to go on without you,
i have alway needed you
i feel like i can't make it alone,
god, you were perfect, always,
you were my man, you'd fight for my honor,
be my hero, complete my life,
there are so many things i want to say to you,
sometimes i forget,
i'm full of regrets,
you are the man that will fight for my honor
your my hero that i've dreamed of,
losing you was like a part of me dying,
I know you sent my Skylar,
she trys so hard to love me,
but she'll never be you,
she sleeps next to me every night,
i know it should make me feel better,
but ben i miss you so much,
i want you so bad my heart skips beats,
my only gaurenteed happiness
has been sacrificed, my angel,
you where suppose to live forever,
people may think i'm crazy,
i've had several pets,
but you Benny, were a miracle,
you were human, i swear, i could talk to you,
i know it, i could, you understood,
i'll never find that again, benny,
that's why it hurts so bad, my friend,
please show me the way, make me understand...
i miss you...