My Rotty
by kathy .........................................
Tazy is a very special little man in my heart always had been and always will be. I found Tazy in 1997 when he was only 4 weeks old I met with the breeder picked out my baby and then i visited him frequently while waiting to bring him home on September 12, 1997 that was the day he turned 8 weeks old. I remember bringing him home and right away falling in love with this handsome little man. I know we all think and say that our doggie or pet is the smartest and cutest little thing that ever walked the planet but mine really was.

He loved to go fishing, walking the wooded trails, buttered toast dipped in coffee early in the morning, car rides, off leash parks, spagetti and oh my lord did he love cheese....he also traveled evrywhere we went if Rotties were not allowed then we did not go regardless...yes he was a very spoiled and loved dog.

Never did he get sick in all the years that i had him, only visits to the vet were his yearly routine.

Then one morning in April 2008 i decided that he needed to be groomed and i dropped him off at his usual grooming office and i went to work. That day i felt weird i called and they said "OH HE IS FINE"
got off of work went to get him and when i got there they said oh he got sick and we had to have him see the vet, he started having a bloody nose it settled and home we went. that weekend again another bloody nose then the following saturday morning i woke up and found him in a puddle of blood rushed him to his vet who them rushed me to the er but nothing was found to be wrong. this time the bloody nose lasted 1.5 weeks all the tests that were done revealed nothing was wrong with him. the nose bleeds then stopped but my little man was never the same again he started getting ear infections, loosing weight not eating and seemed alitle distracted from the family again more test and nothing was found everthing was normal.
then he started getting better again and then this month (november) he started loosing controll of his bladder and stopped drinking, eating and again loosing weight started buying him his favorite things to eat and i stared cooking for him so he started eating again and things were ok. then on my way home from work on 11/21/08 i called my husband to check on tazy but he hadnt ate nor drank anything that day he was refusing everything and anything we gave him that evening he was spitting it up. i was getting ready to bring him to the vet that next day 11/22/08 but sadly i woke up that morning and my baby had passed away in his sleep in his favorite spot in the living room.
Now i go to sleep and wake up every day without his kisses. i come home everyday from work thinking that i will find him on the couch waiting for me but he is not there. i cant stop crying and people keep telling it is ok or he is just a dog...WHAT THE HELL he is my best friend the only living creature that i could trust to love me when i wasnt being very lovable the only living creature to greet me at the door with hundreds of kissses that i got regardless how he felt..... to me he was like a real person or atleast i love him as one.....evryone says it takes time but how long ? In memory of my little man, Tazmanian Devil aka mommies little man & monster
july 12, 1997 - november 22,2008.

Comments would be appreciated by the author, kathy
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