by kris mccarthy.........................................
rose came to my life in an unexpected way and changed it forever.A call from my husband from work, "honey would you like a boxer puppy?"
and i assumed one of his co workers had bought one and could not keep it so i said bring her home.
About an hour late i hear my hubby's tractor out side and lifted my huge rego self off the couch to meet the new furbaby .My husband came u the stes and ut on the floor a starved neglected soul that could not stand u, her thin white body sank to the floor and i was horrified. He tould me he found her tied to a garbage can in a park in the city of pittsburgh (whom he works for) so weak she could not get to the izza box residing in the can. We took her to a vets, whom thought the best bet would be to put her down. i took her home kee her safe from the other dogs and fed her asta to hel her regain strength enough to recover.
She was our best friend for over 13 years.she taught me and our children how to love everyone. she gave me my carreer(vet tech) she was funny she was sweet she raised a ton of kids and some kittens.she put up with all the rescue animals and taught some to live. And we miss her.
My rose was sent to the rainbow bridge shortly before last Christmas. It was her time. Twice she had the tumor removed but it always came back. Idecided to end her suffering and i think she aproved and i know she waits for all of us on the other side
ty Rose