my christmas tree tail
by krista taylor.........................................
my cat damein past away januat=ry 30 2207 of a retard death my mom had recently been fudeing with neighbors so they hit our cat he was relly fluffy and we nick named him christamas tree tail casuse of his fluffy tail but i still miss him but i kno he is happy and haveing fun where he is at and atleast he didnt suffer im verry sad i loved him we had him for a year and cause of that kid who hitt him hes now dead but he still in my ehart this a poem for my babbie i made it my self

grass is green and the sky is blue but your always in my heart and ill never forget you even through the dark cold days i love you forever and ever i will say you will never leave me thats true to say

Comments would be appreciated by the author, krista taylor
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