You Know
by mark cole.........................................

The big old girl past away yesterday
She was old, almost beyond old -- but still it was unexpected
All the walks we had....
All the time playing....
All the craziness she brought....

I don't know how old she actually was -- a rescue, you know
Her face had more gray than brown
She had stopped coming up the stairs many months ago - the hips you know
I had to lift her butt into the car for our walks at the park
She'd slip and fall on the icy roads and needed help getting up. With sad eyes she'd look at me to say, "Dad, I'm sorry I fell again. Can you help me back up?"
The days of counter-surfing we're behind us.
Our walks, that used to be so long, were now quite short -- not much energy you know

Do we all have the 'Doolittle' wish? That for just a short time, our friends could talk to us. Tell us their stories; their favorite walks; their favorite treats; how much they dislike baths; why it's so much fun to roll in grass.
To tell us if those sloppy face licks, are just to get us clean or really a way to say "I love you"? I bit of both I believe.
And we could explain why baths are needed; why running in the street is dangerous; why we go out and can't take them along every time.
And tell them why we're sorry. That we didn't mean to shout to sit, to stop barking, to whatever.

I wish I had a chance for one more walk -- you know

Comments would be appreciated by the author, mark cole
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