About 6 weeks ago she got really sick and lethargic. We thought maybe she had eaten something outside. She went to vet the next day and was diagnosed with diabetes with a reading of 496 two wks later it was 416. We went back to the vet yesterday and it was 297.Several wks after we knew she was diabetic she then lost all of her sight. You talk about being depressed, angry and unable to cope.Ihave cried and cried every day many times a day.I feel so sorry for her and I do'nt want her to be scared.I have read what you guys pay for insulin in your area. (thats crazy). I live in atlanta and I buy Novalin for &19.95 and needles for $12.00 this is at walmart. Also here you do'nt have to have a prescrptoin for either one.I look forward to meeting all of you and sharing information.