by mia rempel.........................................
my name is mia,and i had a poodle/lasaopso named amy.and we have a anoter dog named dusty. Amy was the eldest.We bought a house so had to a apartment near our old house until the new house was built.My dad's friend offerd to take care of our dogs,and that he had anoter dog so they can play with we left them there.a coulple months later i finally got to see her,but she was sick,and she look alful too.Little did i know that was the last time i was going to see her on this world,until i reach the wonderful heaven.A few weeks later she was too sick to keep on living in this world,so they put her too sleep. One of my mom's friend told me about this web site.I'm very excited to go past the gates of heaven.Little did i know that my hamster would go next in my next story.