by mina meeran.........................................
My tabby cat didn't live to see another day.we picked him up as a one month old cutie on November 2000,named him baby - he so loving,playfull full of energy made our lives so bright and joyfull.he liked to hide my daughter socks while she was getting ready to go to school,he liked to carry her pen while she was doing her schoolwork in his mouth and run around the house and made us laugh,he loves chicken and milk.After he turned one he was too fat so we started calling him- puchuma. Puchuma stayed with us for thirteen years then decided to go off.December 5 2013 was his last day. Everytime when I came home I called puchuma he will come running jumping on me wanting to be carried but when I called him on the 5th December he did not ,saw him sleeping in his favourite mat, permanent sleep.I cried out loud he did not wake up, my heart was heavy he used to massage me whenever I was sad, now he is no more.,rest in peace puchuma under the banana tree in my garden.WE WILL LOVE YOU as forever.-MINA.
Comments would be appreciated by the author, mina meeran
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