BIG HEARTS a remake of The Battered Brigade
by mj furr.........................................
Big Hearts

Imitation of Battered Brigade

The mark of a fence on the shoulder

The burn of a rope on a knee

Are scars to the unknowing beholder

And blemishes, so may it be

But every such hurt endorses

The mark of a horse unafraid

And the heart of a savior of horses

Goes out to the Battered Brigade

Their line, is the line of neglected

Their peace, is the piece of abuse

Though mostly they stand unprotected

As tired and hungry and misused

I'll bet you my check at the races

They're first to the gate next week undismayed

God's love of the blemished needy cases

Hat's off to the Battered Brigade

Their scars have been gathered in duty

Their hearts to the first kind word paid

It isn't your unblemished beauty

That's first at the end of the day

With weeks of attention before us

Has half of other owners dismayed

In snow, ice, mud and choking dust

Show up daily for the Battered Brigade

Turned out in our finest of blankets

Tis sometimes the soundest that fails

And some would rather hear nickers that made it

Than follow other lost souls, skinny as rails

But out on open grass with joy racing

And hearts as big as they're made

The cream of my wounded out pacing

Front runners are the Battered Brigade

Key's beauty of swayback unnoticed

Lily's temper and resistance tamed by firm love

Shane's flash of personality through pain smote us

Shana's passing spirit seen on the wings of a dove

Beth's frightened demure still wanted

Isabeau's bum knee doesnt stop our aide

Lyric's need of a home undaunted

Our big hearts filled by the Battered Brigade

Gunner's blind in one eye and stall sour

Jayda's wounded chest needs daily bathing

Savanna's sore feet helped with all our power

Shania's moon blind but so worth saving

Trials and errors not withstanding

Our efforts go unnoticed every day

But our stalls always overflowing

With many of the Battered Brigade

A broken fence sends some to a neighbor's

A walk through 3 fields untamed

To place them in pasture, we do labor

Till mended fence can be reclaimed

A lone horse silently approaches

Across fields until owner is bade

Came naying for homefield, jumped fences

Home is HERE, for the Battered Brigade


Comments would be appreciated by the author, mj furr
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