The story of my dog-food and I.
by olivia parry.........................................
Well, I guess this story starts out with first telling of my first cat, Judah. Judah was the first cat that me and my family had gotten in Utah and was the only cat at that point in time that had been able to live with Oreo our other cat. He always loved being out-doors and out of the house. One day he left and never came back.
So about a year after that had happened we thought that it was about time to get a new cat. We went to the local pet store and looked at the cats but just could not find one, so we thought next week, but right at that moment a worker came in and brought a new kitten, my family did not notice this but I had. As I was walking over the cat would hiss and quiver so I stopped moving and the worker went pass. The cat then started to meow to me. As I pet the cat we could not be separated. So we agreed to take this cat home with us.
Over the few weeks the cat that we had come to name dog-food had grown a liking to me and me too him. He did not like the rest of my family. We had a connection that no other could have. He slept with me,(on my face), and he even tried to walk to the bus for school with me. We loved each other, and every one knew this. He came to only trusting me and me only. I seemed to have a way like that with animals.
About a year and a half had past since we had came to get him. And in the period of time I had had a lot going on that had caused my depression. He still stayed by my side. Even when I felt like no one else was. I knew that I would always at least have him. My depression only seamed to get worse and I stopped talking to many people. He still stayed with me. Soon my depression turned into cutting and different ways of me hurting my self. I was so sad and felt so alone but he was there. He was my angel, which is a little ironic because he was a black cat with a little white spot on his chest and long haired, but he was my angel my sweet, sweet angel. With his help and some consoling I overcame my depression and kept the bond between us, it only got stronger. Every time I would leave he would wait at my door and if I was gone for long periods of time he would. just meow all the time while I was gone. We loved each other and we both knew it.
A while after that our house got for-closed and we had to move, so there was so much pacing and boxing that we were all tired at night. I still played with him as much as I could, but he still knew I loved him. Once we moved we moved into a hotel for a while to still look for a house. We had to just rent a side by side house. A family that had lived there before had just moved out in a hurry. S we rented the house for about a year for some time and for school.
A few months had past by then and I was now 15 years old. One day I was petting dog-food like normal and I could feel some lumps under his neck. I showed my mother and she said that he could have feline cancer, I was so sad that I would not leave my room for days if I could help it I wanted to just be with my beloved cat. A another few months passed and he just seemed to get worse and worse. I tried not to thing about that but to just spend time with him. I knew he was suffering, but I was so selfish, I needed him, I had to have him stay with me. I didn't want him to go, to leave me. Soon it got so bad that he wouldn't sleep with me but on the ground, he wouldn't go to the litter box and wouldn't even get up to eat. He was in so much pain and I finally just said I'm sorry that I made you wait. I decided to let him go.
The next day we went to go put him to sleep. My mom told me how peaceful it was for her cat. I was glad that he wouldn't go in pain. But the ride there he was wining and in so much pain I kept kissing him, telling him that I loved him and petting him. I was having a hard time with this as well. When we got to the vet his wines got louder and louder. I couldn't stop crying.
We had gone into a room and waited. He quieted down until they touch him to get him ready. But when he came out I just want to pound out the heats of the people that 'got him ready', he was wining and crying so much he was in worse pain. I don't know what they had done to him but I hated them. They told me it was going to be peaceful but it was just painful. I couldn't stand to see him that way. It hurt so much to see how much pain he went through. I held him until his heart stopped, mine his face were covered in my tears. I will never forget him. We went home in silence. I didn't know what to do any more. I knew that I was lost with out him and I still am.



Comments would be appreciated by the author, olivia parry
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