best friends
by perla perez.........................................
hi my name is perla and i lost my best friend he was there when i was sad he was there when i was mad he was there when we both shared happines but know he is gone with me no longer to hold to cuddle or kiss or share one last more presiouse momment but know as he is gone i sit with no one to be with me when i am sad or mad or share happines together again. but know as i get older and i sit there while the when blows my hair side to side and while the momorise we had together begain to fade i remmember my dog them i pray to god for me not to forget him. will as years pass by and by i get older and older but them one day it was time... time for me to go i wake up at the golden gate that god had open for me then i wake in and i pass by all theses wonderful things them all of a sudden i stop at the front of the gates to rainbows bridge i slowly walk in andi see my pee-wee from far distance then he sees me and we both run tawrds each other and then after many years of sadness with out him we both rejoice together with no one to separet us for eternaty and we life live together and for ever

this poem was writen bye perla perez dedicated to all the people who have lost a cat or dog or a animal u loved but i mostly dedicate this to my best friend pee-wee that i will never ever 4 get i love u pee-wee.

the end i hope u liked it ,
thank you

Comments would be appreciated by the author, perla perez
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