When I first went down to look at all the puppys,I wanted a pretty one,I saw you looking at me,so small and happy,No I said to myself,I do not want a red nose pit,I want one of the pretty ones.The blue fawns,or the blues,but not you.We came down to play with the pups we were supposed to get twice a week for three weeks straight,Your brother(jake)the pretty one I wanted ,did not want me.You on the other hand followed me and sat on my feet everytime I went down there.I would gently push you away and say not you.You were persistent though and never lost hope.Until the day came to take the puppys home and I looked up and you came out running so happily and excited,that it took my heart then and there,so alas,away home we went,you,me and your brother elijah(a pretty blue,lol).
The mounths flew by,and my heart and soul were yours.You were the first to house break,you were so easy to train to sit,your intelligence never ceased to amaze me.We would all joke aroud about you being an air head though,because you were always so slow,the last in the house,and the last to go out,lets face it you were kind of lazy in a sweet way.Your favorite things in life were to eat,sleep,and oh to have your belly rubbed,and rubbed and rubbed.You thought every person on earth was put here to rub your belly,and never missed an oppertunity to just flop down on your back when ever anyone past by,including perfect strangers.You would light up the most unhappy faces,with your gentle sweet nature,begging people at the store to please come pat me,lol.You even fell asleep with your head in the food dish on more then occasion.You never missed an oppertunity to get a hug,and if you thought you did,you had no issues barreling over and letting someone know it was hug time.
More time pasted and alas it was thankgiveing.You enjoyed your turkey and ham and mashed potatoes with your brother,I think you both had more potatoes on you,then in your belly,lol.Then mommy went to lay down and got up not right,you were not sure what was differnt,but you knew you could,nt play with mommy the way you used to,but I still gave you hugs.I would look at your face,when you,d sit in front of me,with your worried little look in your eyes,and I would tell you,its ok teddy,mommy will be fine,and you,d wag your tail,and settle down to sleep by my bed,whitch is where you stayed every day and night,right by mommy.In the mornings mommy would reach over the side of the bed and gentle wake you and your brother up,you would both jump up on the bed,kissing me good morning,and I would give you both crakers,whitch was our secreat treat.
Then came the day,a week past thankgiveing to the day,we put you all out in the kennels as we had many times befor,so we could do some shopping,thinking youd be fine as you had been all the other times.While we were gone a stranger came and took you away,your brother and sasha got away and went to the back yard,you unfortunately did,nt,we serched and yelled for you for 31/2 hours,desperately trying to find you,we called the pound an other agencys,we put up fliers and used a tank of gas looking for you,we never gave up,we never gave up.
We dont know what happened,weather you got lose and broke away,or if they changed thier minds and let you go,I guess we will never know.Granpa had to go to town to do something,I had just woken and was about to get dressed and was sitting on the couch,just discussing with your daddy(dz)how we should comb the streets for you one more time,when we heard granpas truck comming back.He opened the door and said I found teddy bear,I was joyed ,until I tured and looked at his face,and befor the words were out I was screaming,not my teddy,not my teddy bear.I threw on my clothes as fast as I could,they got me in the truck and we all rode over there.There you were,laying on your side,in the ditch,just a few feet from our road,that would have brought you home to us.I reached out to touch you,and you were so cold,I knew there was nothing I could do now,My heart shattered right there on side of the road.Granpa loaded you in the truck and home we came.We all said our goodbyes to you as you lay on the tail bed,then we went into the house and got your brother,we brought him out so he could say goodbye.
He did'nt understand at first,I think he thought you were sleeping,after a few minutes,he pulled on your ears trying to make you get up,he whined at you,scrathed a little bit,thats when I think it sunk in,that his litter mate,brother,constant companion,partner in crime was gone,he let out a said little whin and layed down beside you for the last time,after a couple of minutes,I gently called him away and took him in the house.Granpa and daddy buried you in the fron yard beside tigger,in the sunshine,so you,ll always be warm,where you liked to be when outside.
although my heart is broke,I know you will wait for me.I,m sure you are making people smile with your gentle sweet ways in heaven right now.I LOVE YOU MY TEDDY BEAR,MOMMY WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU.