Near Death
by richard turner.........................................
Hi I would to share with all pet lovers my story. I had a heart attack last week 1/23/07 and was pronouced DOA at the hospital. While they were working to revive me I experienced the most beautiful thing I have seen. Where this is my experience not the same for everyone. I have grieved over my Little Syd since his death 3/6/02 and some days cannot bear to even talk about him. While on the emergency room table I went to a tunnel with so many different and beautiful lights (Aura's to excaxt) the beauty and the peace I felt is more then I could ever put in words. I just remember seeing all of the different lights and beauty and feeling the peace. The one thing I did see clear was my Little Syd who walked over to me kissed me on the nose and with that kiss it was like a big vacumm cleaner sucked me back to the emergency room and there I saw two friends smiling and the doctor who saved my life.

I can tell you without any doubt that our beloved pets are there waiting for us. I am now so at peace with Syd's death that I can go on now and give that love to the two new beauties in my life Nyles and Frazier who I took in after Syd's death. I have always loved these two little guys, but now the love is more then just a void being filled. I know now that they too when their lives are over be there waiting with Syd to move on with me.

My experience is different then others I have talked to some have seen family memebers some nothing but the lights. I think whoever our creator is shows us what we need to see and for me it was my little guy who I know now is fine and waiting for Dad to come play with him again in the after life.

I hope these words bring comfort to anyone who is grieving now over the lost of a pet, they are there waiting for us all. After all I for one would not want to go if they were not going to be there. Now I know and now I can fully fulfill my life with whatever my purpose is on this earth.

God Bless you for this sight and God be with anyone of you that is going through the lost right now of a beloved pet.

Richard L. Turner and Little Syd Too!!!!

Comments would be appreciated by the author, richard turner
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