by steven lokey.........................................
Today i came home and found that we lost a giant of a family member.Our great dane of 9years passed today.We got him when he was a puppy and the runt of the litter.My wife liked him because he had blue eyes and was the smallest dog.He was so small he could fit in both hands and weighted 5 lbs.when he was about 12 weeks he got parvo and that almost took him.we then had his ears trimmed and i will never have that done again.he was a inside dog for 7 years and had his own room and cage. he grew up with out 1st daughter and she is 5 and she loves him. she would bring him food and he would accidently steep on her feet and he would not even know he was doing it.He had a special bond with my brother cause he would take care of him when we would leave for vacation.he would get sooo happy when he saw his uncle byron. marmaduke was smaller than a normal great dane and weighted about 80-90 lbs.he was a good friend and was going blind and would stand in the yard and bark into the blue because he did not see anything but would hear it.Im going to miss him cause he would greet me every day after work at the gate but would never go out then he would lean against my leg to say hi and you could pat his side and rough him a little and he would buck like a bull and start to jump and play for a 9 year old great dane thats is a sad day and i really thank my brother for being there to come help at the drop of a hat to help lay a gentle giant to rest.....Im sorry for the way this is done but im greiving and im helping regan deal with the lost to.