Holly Girl
by suzanne schultz.........................................
My name is Holly Girl. Oh I feel sure that was not my first name but I like it. My first family moved away and in their joy and hast to move to a new town they forgot me. I was sure they would come back for me so I stayed close to home. But hunger got the best of me and so I walked up and down the road looking for food. Just before Christmas I met a nice lady and she felt sorry for me and gave me food. I wanted to trust her but I just could not. So many times people had threw things at me so I was scared. But she took her time and soon I felt she would not hurt me. She gave me the name Holly Girl. For 6 months I stayed on my own. But there was always food at the ladys house. Then a few days ago the dog catcher came to get me. He asked the ladies husband if I belonged to them. He said no but that they would take me if no one wanted me. Of course no one did. So for the first time in months I have a safe place to live. I wish I could tell you that all is great now but I can't. My new family took me to the vets and found out I have heartworms. The vet is hopeful that he can save me it just depends on how well I can handel the treatments. In the end if my body can't take the treatments at least I will have someone to love me until the end. I still wonder if my other family misses me. Why they left me behind. At least my new family will do all they can to help me get well. If a cure is not to be they will help me cross over the Rainbow Bridge with ease. So tonight when you pray say a prayer for a little black and browm dog that was just a throw away hound. MY name Is Holly Girl
Comments would be appreciated by the author, suzanne schultz
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