by suzanne schultz.........................................
Kayla is our little long hair chihuahua. She will be 14 in May. Her health has gone down hill fast. She is going blind, she started haveing seziures before christmas, and now has fluid around her heart. At times she can not get a good breath. The vet said her teeth are so bad that she needs them pulled but would not live through the sedation. The infection from her teeth is going to her heart.
Years ago when she was scared or hurt she would tap us with her paw. She will do that some now. I told her one time to promise me she would never leave me. We both knew that was a promise she would not be able to keep. I know my time with her is running out. CoCo our poodle died in 2005 but he was never scared of anything. Kayla is scared of bad weather, a gun, a ball, the vet and other things. But she really is scared of being without me. I know she will be going to rainbow bridge and that CoCo will be with her there. But who will be with me? I am not ready to let her go just yet. I pray that I can let her go when its time to say good bye. For now I thank God for every day I have with her. Her nickname is Grandmaw. If you could see her you know why. Slow as cream rising on buttermilk and grey headed. But the love of my life.