A true gift from Heaven
by william ganus.........................................
I hope this helps everyone that has lost their baby.It is sad but true. My boy liked 11 day's of being 11 year's old when he went to be with Jesus.He was a true little soldier.He was with me when I was'nt working about all the time,whatever I was doing he had to be a part of it.Any thing that was mechanical he loved it.Riding 4-wheelers,cutting grass,fixing things around the house he was going to help me,he was my constant companion.He loved people and and was gonna try to get a kiss if you were around him long enough.My wife and his little brother Donovan,he loved them dearly. Until I got him when he was 6 week's old I just thought of them as animals and did'nt realise that they had the same feeling's we have.He was very smart and learned quick.I found out in a hurry how much he loved me.It was like he understood everything I said and now I know he did.He just had unconditional love like Jesus has for us. I never thought in my life thing's would happen so quick when he got sick.I never thought it would be him that I would lose because I was gonna retire from the railroad march 1st and we were gonna do the thing's I had told him we would do.I know the good Lord has a reason for everything but I could'nt why him.He got sick the first part of Nov.I came in from work and my wife told me he had been vomiting and Chico never done that.We thought it was a virus but to be sure he went to the vet.They did blood work and found something with his kidney's.I had to take him to a specialist.I told my wife that he was gonna be alright but this was not gonna be the case.The vet told me his little kidney's was failing and was no cure.I did'nt believe him when he told me he had 6 mos.maybe to live.My son is a vet.but he lives in N.Y.and we are in Alabama but I had to call and make sure.He went over all the thing's that they had done here and said Dad thing's don't look good so you are gonna have to prepare for this.My wife could'nt except this and I could'nt either.We prayed and ask God to heal him because I knew He could and was the only one who could.I know he heard my prayer but this was one He was'nt gonna answer because this gonna be my testimony for him to let me see how much He loved us.He gave His son for me and this was gonna let me see had hard it was for Him but He did it out of love for me. Well the doctor put my Chico on medication but it got to where it was not doing any good.He started to having to go and take fluid's and try to get the poison out of his body but this did'nt work to long and Chico hated doing this.He would try to act like he was ok but we could see he was going down daily and when he started going off and getting by himself I knew something was bad wrong.He got to where he would go out on the porch and get in his chair and look at a cross that was on a hill beside the house.That is where him and me would talk about Jesus and that we were gonna go see Jesus one day and tour the Heaven's together.He loved Jesus because when we would go to bed at night he would give me my loving and lay beside me while I would read my Bible and then I'd tell how much that Jesus loved him and then we would go to sleep.I could ask him where was Jesus and he would go look at that cross on the hill. When Christmas came Chico and Donovan alway's got their toy's to play with and were alway's excited but this past Christmas my baby did'nt feel like playing a lot.We had some relatives who stopped by and new he was sick and I told them to enjoy and love now because he would be with Jesus next Christmas.He played with children and his toy's and acted the best he could for being so sick because he deep down inside knew he was'nt going to get well.I could sense that by the way he was trying to tell in those big beautiful brown eyes and his emotions.He did'nt want to leave us but he knew it was about time. I was still taking him for his fluid's but it was like he was telling me he was tired and was ready to go see Jesus.I would go to work and he was all I could think about and would pray that he would be better when I came in every day but this was not to be.He got real sick wednesday night and would not even try to eat and just wanted.He would drink the water but it would'nt be long until he would have to throw it up.This was embarasing to him because he would look at you like I'm trying and it just won't stop.He was a proud baby and I could tell he hated this was happening to him.Every time I would look at him he was telling me that he was tired and ready to go.On friday the 5th of Jan.I came in from work and my wife said he had done the same thing all day long and now he couldn't even drink.He would go to his water bowl and lay down but would'nt drink because he knew how sick it made him and he did'nt want to vomit anymore.I just keep telling him how much I loved him and he came and wanted me to hold him.I put him in my arms and he put his little front legs around my neck and layed his head upon my face and he hugged me and did'nt want to let go.He was telling me how much he loved me and was going to miss me but he was real tired and it was time to go see Jesus. The doctor had done told me that Chico would let me know when it was time and he was telling in his way it was time.I got up early Sat.morninig hating to see this day come but knowing it would happen.He had got to where he would not sleep in the bed the last few night's because he did'nt want to mess up the cover if he got sick.This morning for some reason he came in the bed room and wanted on the bed.I put him up on it and he walked around it and sniffed his spot like this is goodbye and then wanted down.I put him down and he went out his doggie door and checked out the back yard like he was saying goodbye.He came back in and layed down by his water and smacked like he was trying to drink but could'nt and I tried to put water to his lips with my hands but it was just not to be.I told my wife it was time for us to go but she was still thinking he would be comming back in her mind.I told her and Dondon to tell brother bye and I said Chico do you want to go see Jesus and my baby got up and went to the front door like he knew it was time.I opened the door and ask him if he needed to pepe and he went out and to my supprise he made his pepe and run around the house checking out everything like he was telling everything and everybody goodbye and now I know that is what he did.He came back and stood in the front yard trying his best to stand straight and tell me it was time.I know in my heart he was ready.It was like Jesus had prepared him for this. I went and put him in my arms and put him in the truck and he layed down until I backed out and started down the road and he never looked back.After we left he got beside me against my leg like he alway's did when he was tired and ridding in the truck.I talked to him all the way to the vet about going to be with Jesus and when I started singing Jesus loves you he just put his precious little head in my lap and did'nt move any more until we got to Dr.Fuller's office where he was waiting on us.I carried him in holding him tight in my arms knowing this was going to be the last time I would be with him and be able to hold him in my arms and love him until I get to Heaven.When we went in they took me to a room where he layed in my lap so peaceful and me telling him how much I loved him and how much Mama and brother loved him.I know he understood everything I was saying.For some reason he wanted down and when he got down he walked over to the wall on the east side of the room and looked up like he was waiting on Jesus.The doctor came in and I picked him up in my arms and held him close against my chest and he never moved ,he just looked ahead like he knew he would never be sick again and would wake up in the arms of Jesus.When they put that shot in his little leg it seemed like before they could give it the life and breath just left his little body and he went limp in my arms.When that happened it was like my life left too.They left me in the room with him for a while so I could just hold him and cry my eyes out.When Dr.Fuller came back to take him it was like when he died I died with him.I hope any one that reads this never has to go through anything like this because it's the hardest thing I have ever done.Like I'll say to you or anybody else no body will ever know except Jesus how much I loved this baby.Nothing can ever take his place and he will always be in my heart and on my mind. I know I will see him in Heaven because Jesus is my Lord and Savior and if you see yours again Jesus had better be Lord of your life because He is the only way.I truly beleive Jesus put those baby's here to show people what true love is,it is unconditional like the love He has for us. Well this is my story and I could tell a lot more wonderful stories about my baby but it would take a very long time to do it.If you get a chance go visit my baby Chico at the bridge,He would enjoy it. Thank,s for reading and I hope you get something from this. Chico,s dad,Steve Ganus
Comments would be appreciated by the author, william ganus
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