Rainbow Bridge
Monday Night Candlelight Tribute Room

Grief is not measured in time but when the heart is dry of tears and your mind comes to acceptance, you will begin to heal. Meanwhile, you are not alone. - Ginny Brancato
Below are Tributes for the week of September 17, 2024 through September 23, 2024



Date Posted: 9/17/24
Requested By: Harman-Davies Family
For: Riley Jack
Breed: Yorkshire Terrier
Home Town: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Born: 10/28/2006
Passed On: 10/12/2011
Special Tribute: Hello My Sweet Angel. I can’t believe you have been at the bridge for over 12 years now. I love & miss U so much. I still grieve for U everyday. Please look after UR little fur brother. He needs U more than ever now. Love & miss U 4ever. 300 Billion XO’s ♥️🐾🌹🧸🕯️👼🏻🌈
Email: Harman-Davies Family

Date Posted: 9/17/24
Requested By: Deborah Owens
For: Sadie Schatzie Hans Lily Greta Bertha Fritz
Breed: All of my so very much loved & missed Dachshunds
Home Town: Piedmont SC
Special Tribute: Hi Sadie Schatzie Hans Lily Greta Bertha Fritz Another week has gone by My Sweet Babies; another week closer to you. You are The Seven Little Loves of My Life. I miss you all so very much. Someday we will be together. I pray everyday for us to have glorious reunion. I love you all so very much.
Email: Deborah Owens

Date Posted: 9/18/24
Requested By: i
For: Sally
Breed: Flat Coat Retriever X Collie
Home Town: Cleveland,England
Born: 13th April 1997
Passed On: 28th November 2002
Special Tribute: I love and miss you Sally always and forever (((Sally))) xxxxxxxx
Email: i

Date Posted: 9/17/24
Requested By: Laura & Ed
For: Sherise🐟💕
Breed: White & gray calico🐈‍⬛
Home Town: sending lot of hugs to u Sherise💕XOXO
Born: Spring 2020
Passed On: 4/10/24
Special Tribute: Sherise, we honor your memory & reflect on the special impact u had on our lives. u came to us as a feral, u found a place of warmth & care within our hearts, u eventually trusted Ed to hold your plate of food for breakfast/dinner. We have compassion for feral cats as they need time to trust❤️XOXOX
Email: Laura & Ed

Date Posted: 9/17/24
Requested By: Tim and Kim
For: Smokey
Breed: Blue Healer
Home Town: Lynnwood, WA
Born: 12/31/2000 New Year's Eve!!
Passed On: Snuggled with his blankie at home on 10/15/13
Special Tribute: 🐾 Hi Honey Bear! How’s our sweet boy? You live in our hearts and always in our thoughts and memories. We miss everything about you and want you to know that you are loved beyond time and space. Kisses on your nose and big warm belly. Love and hugs forever from Mom and Dad🐾
Email: Tim and Kim

Date Posted: 9/18/24
Requested By: Lisa
For: Snoopy
Breed: Pitbull
Home Town: NYC
Special Tribute: Gordo lindo, I love you so much. Always miss you, thank you for the wonderful memories we shared. You will always be in our hearts. Love you always & forever 🐾💙🌈
Email: Lisa

Date Posted: 9/17/24
Requested By: Ron Troia
For: Tally
Breed: Daddy's Girl
Home Town: Taylors, SC
Born: 2008
Passed On: April 9, 2021
Special Tribute: I love you Tally. Another week has gone by and still my heart hurts more than I ever thought possible. You will always be my special little girl and I will miss you so very much until we are together again. May the heat from this candle signify the warmth of the love we share forever. (((TALLY))) XO
Email: Ron Troia

Date Posted: 9/17/24
Requested By: Tommy and Michelle
For: Timber
Breed: Alaskan Malamute
Home Town: Staten Island NY
Born: 10/12/2016
Passed On: 4/27/2020
Special Tribute: I miss and love you so much Timber! You are always on my mind and forever in my heart! I pray that our time apart is only for a short while and that one day soon we will be taking long walks together again, side by side! Always remember that mommy loves you forever and always to the moon and back!xo
Email: Tommy and Michelle

Date Posted: 9/17/24
Requested By: Laura & Ed
For: Tux💐
Breed: Black & white long-hair Tuxedo / female🐈‍⬛
Home Town: sending lots of hugs to u Tux💕XOXOX
Born: ? owner moved & left her behind / we took her in
Passed On: 3/15/18
Special Tribute: Tux, thank u for sharing 2.5 yrs with us. We were happy to have u join us. We enjoyed having u with us & it was your owner's loss for leaving u outside when he moved. We wanted to give u the love & care u deserved for the rest of your life, u loved being groomed every day/u were a gentle girl💕XOXOX
Email: Laura & Ed

Date Posted: 9/17/24
Requested By: Kim and Tim
For: Zoe
Breed: Poo-Chi (Poodle Chihuahua)
Home Town: Lynnwood, WA
Born: 01/30/2014
Passed On: Snuggled in the comfort of my arms on 09/21/2021
Special Tribute: Sweet Punky- I think of you every day & hold you in my heart always. You will always be my special little girl. I love you to the moon and beyond and promise I’ll never let you go. Your presence I miss, your memories I treasure, missing you always, loving you FOREVER ❤🐾
Email: Kim and Tim


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