Rainbow Bridge
Monday Night Candlelight Tribute Room

Grief is not measured in time but when the heart is dry of tears and your mind comes to acceptance, you will begin to heal. Meanwhile, you are not alone. - Ginny Brancato
Below are Tributes for the week of July 23, 2024 through July 29, 2024



Date Posted: 7/24/24
Requested By: Lisa
For: Nakia
Breed: Boxer / Mountain Cur
Home Town: Wisconsin
Born: 2014
Passed On: 5/10/2023
Special Tribute: My sweet baby girl... I miss you so much... I think about you all day every day.... You will always be my joy... My smile... My best friend... Please send more signs... It helps me to know you are still with me... I love you my angel Nakia, with my whole entire heart.. forever..
Email: Lisa

Date Posted: 7/25/24
Requested By: Bea
For: Neva
Breed: Ausie
Home Town: Oregon
Born: 3/12/2018
Passed On: 7/23/2024
Special Tribute: So, sorry baby girl. Your so loved and we miss you so much, my heart is broken.
Email: Bea

Date Posted: 7/23/24
Requested By: Annette & Mike
For: Nilla
Breed: Pink Nose Pit Bull Terrier
Home Town: NJ
Born: August 2005
Passed On: January 1st, 2019
Special Tribute: Nilla, having you was a blessing, the bond you left behind is forever and God knows you are and forever in my heart. Please send me a sign. Love You Baby Girl
Email: Annette & Mike

Date Posted: 7/23/24
Requested By: Rosie & Leroy
For: Nina
Breed: Shorthair Tabby
Home Town: San Antonio
Born: April 4, 2006
Passed On: May 2, 2024
Special Tribute: Nina, it will be 12 weeks this Thursday (July 25, 2024) we are still heart broken. Love and miss you so much!
Email: Rosie & Leroy

Date Posted: 7/23/24
Requested By: Diane
For: No. 3
Breed: Plymouth Barred Rock Hen 🐔
Home Town: (Formerly) Mt. Eden, Kentucky
Born: July 2012
Passed On: July 23, 2014
Special Tribute: 10 yrs ago, you were my 1st girl to cross the bridge, you were only with us for a year, but I cherished that year and I hope you felt loved in that year. It broke my heart when the vet said you had cancer and it was better for you to go to sleep. You were such a sweetie with beautiful eyes. Miss U.
Email: Diane

Date Posted: 7/24/24
Requested By: Diane
For: No. 6 💕 My buddy
Breed: Plymouth Barred Rock Hen 🐔
Home Town: (Formerly) Mt. Eden Kentucky
Born: July 2012 🐣 Happy Day 🤗
Passed On: August 7, 2019 - My last girl 😭
Special Tribute: Dear 6, another Wednesday missing my buddy. It's going to be almost 5 years since you left me to join your buddies. I still think about you every day, talk about you often, and I have you with me wherever I go. I wonder if the flowers still bloom where you lay, you were my buddy and I miss you. 💞
Email: Diane

Date Posted: 7/24/24
Requested By: Diane
For: No's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 🤗 My Girls
Breed: Plymouth Barred Rock Hens 🐔
Home Town: (Formerly) Mt. Eden Kentucky
Born: All born in July 2012 🐣💖
Passed On: 3,1 (2014) 4,2,5 (2016) 6 (2019) 😭
Special Tribute: To my girls, When I looked at you I did not see hens, I saw my best friends. I thank each one of you for the laughs & super fun times & I'm grateful & will always cherish those memories. I still cry because it's over, but I smile because it happened. No longer by my side😥but forever in my heart.🥰
Email: Diane

Date Posted: 7/23/24
Requested By: i
For: Peter
Breed: Collie X
Home Town: Cleveland,England
Born: June? 1976
Passed On: 12th March 1988
Special Tribute: Hi sweet furangel Peter.Hope you are having fun up there and eating lots of treats.Miss you as much as always but one day we will all be reunited for eternity. Please watch over me.A dream or a sign would be lovely.Show new ones what to do.I love you Peter always and forever (((Peter))) xxxxxxxx
Email: i

Date Posted: 7/23/24
Requested By: Laura & BCR
For: Popcorn🐈🌹
Breed: all white shorthair🐈
Home Town: sending lots of hugs Popcorn❤️🌹XOX
Born: 2011
Passed On: 9/29/23
Special Tribute: Popcorn💕u had a 2nd chance at life for a reason. u touched many lives both at your rescue and online. u had many fans & were deeply loved by all. u had a Princess attitude👑Forever missed, loved & remembered. Popcorn💕rest peacefully at Rainbow Bridge with your other BCR friends🌹we all miss u
Email: Laura & BCR

Date Posted: 7/23/24
Requested By: Laura
For: **PRECIOUS**🎗️🌺
Breed: **Calico**
Home Town: sending my love/hugs Precious❤️XOXO
Born: **10/15/96**
Passed On: **08/30/11**
Special Tribute: PRECIOUS🌺I miss your cute face & green eyes looking at me. u could do no wrong in my eyes. u were my perfect angel & always there for me & showed me unconditional love & devotion for 15 yrs. If my love could have saved u, u would have lived with me forever...wait for me at RB...XOXOXOXOXOXO💕🐟
Email: Laura


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