Rainbow Bridge
Monday Night Candlelight Tribute Room

Grief is not measured in time but when the heart is dry of tears and your mind comes to acceptance, you will begin to heal. Meanwhile, you are not alone. - Ginny Brancato
Below are Tributes for the week of September 17, 2024 through September 23, 2024



Date Posted: 9/17/24
Requested By: Greg
For: A Friendly Tuxedo Cat
Breed: Domestic Shorthair
Home Town: New York City
Born: 2016
Passed On: April 23, 2024
Special Tribute: A Friendly Tuxedo Cat was without an owner per se, but did frequent my property for the food & occasional head scratches. Unfortunately after not seeing him for a while he decided to pass away on my flower bed. Rest in peace sweetheart, I hope I gave you some love &comfort. Sleep warm.
Email: Greg

Date Posted: 9/17/24
Requested By: Olivia
For: ❤️👼ATHENA👼❤️
Breed: Perfect Angel👼
Home Town: California
Born: JULY 2, 2012❤️
Passed On: 10/12/20
Special Tribute: You’re one of Heaven’s Angels now, a perfect bright star. And when you shine the world can see how beautiful you are. May you fly with magic wings, on cloud so soft & white, may your heart be joyful & your days be bathed in light.Thank you my Angel Athena for the happiness you brought I love you ❤️
Email: Olivia

Date Posted: 9/17/24
Requested By: Greg
For: Bandit
Breed: American Cocker Spaniel
Home Town: New York City
Born: March 6, 1997
Passed On: November 5, 2011
Special Tribute: Dear Bandit, It’s been 12 years without you. I hope you’re enjoying heaven & are in a place of refreshment, light &peace. I will always have a special place in my heart for you. I hope to see you again. I think of you always. Sleep warm. Stay with Mommy &Daddy until I get there. Happy 27th Birthday
Email: Greg

Date Posted: 9/17/24
Requested By: Ron Troia
For: Bandit
Breed: Special Guy
Home Town: Taylors, SC
Born: 1998
Passed On: December 28, 2017
Special Tribute: I love you Bandit. Every day that goes by my heart aches with the pain of missing you. It is still so hard to believe that after 19 wonderful years you are no longer here next to me and sharing your love. May the heat from this candle signify the warmth of the love we share forever. (((Bandit))) XO
Email: Ron Troia

Date Posted: 9/17/24
Requested By: Olivia
For: ❤️👼BARBIE and WHIZZIE👼❤️
Breed: 👼Perfect Guardians👼
Home Town: California
Born: AUGUST 14, 2000❤️❤️
Passed On: 4/22/07 & 8/17/11
Special Tribute: You’re one of Heaven’s Angels now, a perfect bright star. When you shine the world can see how beautiful you are. May you fly with magic wings, on cloud so soft & white, may your heart be joyful & your days be bathed in light. Thank you my angels Barbie & Whizzie for your unconditional love❤️❤️❤️
Email: Olivia

Date Posted: 9/18/24
Requested By: Kim & Donna
For: Benny
Breed: Morkie mix
Home Town: Scarsdale, NY
Born: 2011
Passed On: 9/17/24
Special Tribute: Ben Ben run in peace after your ball and please keep protecting Baby from the mean girls. Give grandma and grandpa hugs for us. We love you to heaven and back! Mommy & Mama
Email: Kim & Donna

Date Posted: 9/17/24
Requested By: Ron Troia
For: Benson
Breed: Beautiful Boy
Home Town: Taylors, SC
Born: 1998
Passed On: June 23, 2015
Special Tribute: I love you Benson. As time goes by since that sad and fateful day my love for you grows ever stronger. I love you and miss you more than mere words could ever say and you will forever be in my heart. May the heat from this candle signify the warmth of the love we share forever. ((((BENSON)))) XO
Email: Ron Troia

Date Posted: 9/18/24
Requested By: i
For: Cassie
Breed: Yellow Labrador
Home Town: Cleveland,England
Born: 8th August 1997
Passed On: 8th April 2011
Special Tribute: I love and miss you Cassie always and forever (((Cassie))) xxxxxxxx
Email: i

Date Posted: 9/18/24
Requested By: i
For: Charley
Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Home Town: Cleveland,England
Born: 2009/2010 (rescue dog)
Passed On: 1st February 2023
Special Tribute: I love and miss you Charley always and forever (((Charley))) xxxxxxxx
Email: i

Date Posted: 9/17/24
Requested By: Wanda Robson
For: Chloe Robson
Breed: Cockapoo
Home Town: St Catharines Ont
Born: March 05 2010
Passed On: Sept 10 2024
Special Tribute: Your no longer with me, but you will always live in my hart. You are the best. love mom.
Email: Wanda Robson


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