Rainbow Bridge
Monday Night Candlelight Tribute Room

Grief is not measured in time but when the heart is dry of tears and your mind comes to acceptance, you will begin to heal. Meanwhile, you are not alone. - Ginny Brancato
Below are Tributes for the week of September 17, 2024 through September 23, 2024



Date Posted: 9/17/24
Requested By: Billy & Christina
For: Oreo
Breed: ShihTZU
Home Town: Bellerose,New York
Born: November 5,1997
Passed On: July 3,2015
Special Tribute: Our sweet Angel Oreo you are forever missed,Loved thought of & always spoken of Thankyou for all the beautiful memories you left us with us we cherish them always.we Love you Oreo so very much you are our Forever Today Tomorrow & always Love you baby Girl❤️see you at the Rainbow Bridge xoxo 🌈😘❤️🙏
Email: Billy & Christina

Date Posted: 9/17/24
Requested By: Lee
For: Pete
Breed: Lab
Home Town: Non. Ut
Born: 0
Passed On: 9.13.24
Special Tribute: We loved you so much...missing you. My heart is broken 💔 😢
Email: Lee

Date Posted: 9/18/24
Requested By: i
For: Peter
Breed: Collie X
Home Town: Cleveland,England
Born: June? 1976
Passed On: 12th March 1988
Special Tribute: I love and miss you Peter always and forever (((Peter))) xxxxxxxx
Email: i

Date Posted: 9/18/24
Requested By: Kate
For: Pickle
Breed: Miniature Wire Haired Daschund
Home Town: Los Angeles
Born: 10/03/2008
Passed On: 07/27/2024
Special Tribute: To my one in a billion super special pup Pickle, Magic and I miss you and your huge personality every day. We love you so so much and hope you are safe, happy and have unlimited salmon (your favorite) at the Bridge! You are in our hearts forever my sweet angel ❤️🐶❤️
Email: Kate

Date Posted: 9/17/24
Requested By: Laura & BCR
For: Popcorn💕
Breed: All white shorthair
Home Town: sending love to u Popcorn & Friends💕
Born: 2011
Passed On: 9/29/23
Special Tribute: Popcorn💕u are with your friend Scotty, snuggling together at🌈Bridge like u are in this picture. u were loved by many for your funny antics & princess attitude. u are sadly missed & 4ever loved & remembered by all your fans. Some of your BCR friends joined u at 🌈Bridge, RIP Popcorn & friends
Email: Laura & BCR

Date Posted: 9/17/24
Requested By: Laura
For: **PRECIOUS**🎗️🌺
Breed: **Calico**🐈‍⬛
Home Town: sending my love & hugs Precious❤️XO
Born: **10/15/96**
Passed On: **08/30/11**
Special Tribute: PRECIOUS🌺u always made me smile & laugh. We had a special bond that kept us together for 15 cherished years & the memories I have of u will always be embraced in my heart. I know our day will come when we will reunite again for eternity...til then wait for me on the other side💕XOXOXOXOXOX💕
Email: Laura

Date Posted: 9/17/24
Requested By: Laura & Ed
For: **PRECIOUS**❤️ & **LIZA**🦴❤️
Breed: **Calico** & **Shih-Tzu**
Home Town: sending lots of hugs girls💕XOXOXO🌹
Born: **10/15/96** & **11/27/98**
Passed On: **08/30/11** & **3/5/13**
Special Tribute: PRECIOUS & LIZA🌹we thank u both for always being there for us & the many special memories we will always cherish forever. u both were more than a pet, u were our family & we miss seeing u playing together. I know u look forward to seeing us again & starting our new journey together 4ever💕XOXOXOXOX
Email: Laura & Ed

Date Posted: 9/17/24
Requested By: Harman-Davies Family
For: Riley Jack
Breed: Yorkshire Terrier
Home Town: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Born: 10/28/2006
Passed On: 10/12/2011
Special Tribute: Hello My Sweet Angel. I can’t believe you have been at the bridge for over 12 years now. I love & miss U so much. I still grieve for U everyday. Please look after UR little fur brother. He needs U more than ever now. Love & miss U 4ever. 300 Billion XO’s ♥️🐾🌹🧸🕯️👼🏻🌈
Email: Harman-Davies Family

Date Posted: 9/17/24
Requested By: Deborah Owens
For: Sadie Schatzie Hans Lily Greta Bertha Fritz
Breed: All of my so very much loved & missed Dachshunds
Home Town: Piedmont SC
Special Tribute: Hi Sadie Schatzie Hans Lily Greta Bertha Fritz Another week has gone by My Sweet Babies; another week closer to you. You are The Seven Little Loves of My Life. I miss you all so very much. Someday we will be together. I pray everyday for us to have glorious reunion. I love you all so very much.
Email: Deborah Owens

Date Posted: 9/18/24
Requested By: i
For: Sally
Breed: Flat Coat Retriever X Collie
Home Town: Cleveland,England
Born: 13th April 1997
Passed On: 28th November 2002
Special Tribute: I love and miss you Sally always and forever (((Sally))) xxxxxxxx
Email: i


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